4D Face Lift

Non-invasive laser lifting and skin rejuvenation

4D facial treatment taking place in 4 steps of various aesthetic treatments stretches the skin, increases volume and balances the skin tone. It is a first system which combines the application from both the outer and inner (oral) part of the face application.

How is this method different?

Conventional lifting procedures result in surgical cuts in the area of ​​the face and head, requiring hospitalization or the use of injectable fillers.
In contrast, laser face lifting is a procedure that uses laser energy to penetrate the skin. Using various laser wavelengths, the procedure strengthens the surface of the skin and stimulates the production of collagen.
After completing the laser treatment, the new skin regenerates, becoming smoother, firmer and more uniform.

The principle of treatment

Fotona 4D technology uses 4 types of laser energy to smooth and remove the skin. Each of these energies works on different types of soft tissues and at 4 different levels – in the deep, middle and surface layers of the skin, while removing minor imperfections.

For whom treatment is not appropriate.

The following diagnoses are contraindicated:

  • Active herpes
  • Pregnancy
  • Anticoagulation therapy
  • Retinoid treatment (Roaccutanom)
  • Suspected malignant skin cancer
  • Pathological healing

What is the result of this method?

The procedure usually lasts for 45-60 minutes, and for the best results, 3 treatments are recommended within 2 to 3 weeks. Visible results will be achieved after a single procedure, but as well as in other treatments, it is also true that repeating the treatment will multiply the effects. With the onset of new collagen production, the resulting effect is long-lasting.
The treatment is almost painless compared to conventional surgical methods – it is possible to feel increased warm or slight splitting on the face, but usually does not require any anesthetics. Within a few days after treatment, it is possible to have a “after sunbathing“-feeling with mild redness and swelling.
No long-term recovery is required, although the client may choose to “socially recover” until it stops blushing in the first few days.