Application of filler materials

Mesotherapy, Mesolift & Dracula therapy.

Application of filler materials

Most of us would like to know the mystery of eternal youth or at least how to reverse the aging process for some time. However, this is a permanent and physiological process that is affected by a number of factors. In addition to the natural and genetically-engineered aging process, UV radiation, hormonal changes and lifestyle (smoking, nutrition, physical activity, and stress) also apply here. As time progresses, the skin’s structure changes, smooth wrinkles begin to appear, and the skin becomes less elastic and firm. Although these processes cannot be stopped, we can reduce them, slow down and even prevent the formation of folds and wrinkles on the skin using various medical technologies.
In addition to botulinum toxin, the application of filling materials is the most desirable and most popular treatment in aesthetic dermatology.
In all the tissues of our body. It diminishes with the age. It delivers volume not only to the skin but also to the eye (vitreous) to add joint elasticity due to its ability to bind the water a thousand times its volume.
In aesthetic medicine, it is used in two forms – free, non-crosslinked, suitable for the rehydration and exaggeration of dried, soft skin (mesotherapy, Mezolift) and crosslinked used in the form of so-called fillers to fill inequalities and lack of volume. This crosslinking will preserve the natural viscoelastic characteristics and biocompatibility. Degradation of acid usually takes place over 12 to 18 months. The rate of acid reduction in tissues depends on the product used, at the point of application (movement dynamics, metabolic rate) – for example, in the area of ​​the lips, acid is degraded more rapidly due to permanent movement activity and increased metabolism.
Currently available products are produced by bacterial fermentation processes, so their origin is not animal, which makes allergy testing unnecessary. These products are biocompatible, stable, absorbable, long-lasting, and without toxic and carcinogenic effects.

Issues that solve the application of hyaluronic acid.

  • strengthening, withdrawal and toning of the flaccid skin (mesotherapy and mezolift)
  • correction of the finest wrinkles (cheeks, lips, eye area)
  • correction of small and medium wrinkles (forehead, eyes, neck, lips)
  • filling of deep wrinkles and folds (lips, forehead, circles under the eyes)
  • lip correction (lower and upper lip ratio correction, lip volume, highlighting of lip contours)
  • filling cheeks (non-invasive face/cheek minilifting)

When treatment is not appropriate.

  • hypersensitivity to the active substance
  • active inflammation at the area of application
  • active herpes simplex
  • pregnancy

Most common places of treatment.

  • The face (nose – lip wrinkle, eye area, lips – so called smoker wrinkles, forehead, cheeks)
  • neck
  • décolleté
  • back of hands

How treatment works

The application of hyaluronic acid is a minimally invasive method when the substance is applied by injecting a fine needle or cannula. For this reason, local anesthesia may be used such as a cream or injection. The lips and their surroundings are the most sensitive. The physician decides on the suitability of the product used, especially according to the area of application and the desired result. The procedure is done outpatient and the effect will come immediately with a long-lasting effect. Hyaluronic acid is applied in the form of a clear gel in micro amounts to the skin and the procedure takes 20-30 minutes. Shortly after application slight redness, swelling, bruising, mild pain or itching in the treated area may appear. These are common marks that usually disappear within 48 hours.


Recommendations before and after treatment.


  • the client is thoroughly educated and familiar with the procedure and possible side-effects
  • the client must be completely healthy
  • it is not appropriate to use bleeding-enhancing medicines
  • there is possibility of local anesthesia applied shortly before procedure
  • pregnancy is not a contraindication, but the application is not recommended


  • check usually after 2 weeks
  • in case of need, the necessary amount of product can be obtained and applied again
  • sunbathing is not recommended as well as sauna
  • make-up can be used the next day – approximately 12 hours after treatment

The final price is determined by the physician with respect to the depth and extent of the wrinkles – according to the amount of filler material used.

Mesotherapy, Mesolift, Hydrolifting & Dracula therapy

The first signs of aging of the skin are minor mimic wrinkles, which worsen with a time, and lose its elasticity and strength. Mesotherapy is a mini-invasive revitalizing technique. This treatment provides prevention of premature aging of the skin thanks to hyaluronic acid to provide optimal hydration, vitamins stimulate cellular organelles that produce cellular energy, and microbubbles activate collagen production at the top of the middle layer of the skin, resulting in skin tightening, improved elasticity and overall texture. Mezolift is an extension of mesotherapy designed for patients with dehydrated, tired, wretched skin. The principle is to apply the revitalizing complex along the wrinkles by microinjections. Hydrolifting is based on the synergistic action of hyaluronic acid, glycerol, vitamins, amino acids, coenzymes, mineral salts and antioxidants to rejuvenate the skin. The treatment removes signs of aging due to rapid rehydration with tonus recovery and skin elasticity. It stimulates fibroblasts and increases the synthesis of collagen and elastin. This ensures long-term effect (months to a year) of applied hydrolifting. “Dracula therapy” is a worldwide trend in rejuvenating skin using its own blood plasma. The novelty in this method is the combined use of hyaluronic acid, which significantly increases the effect of the entire procedure. This stimulates the cells with their own blood plasma, which is rich in platelets and the subsequent and that leads to reconstruction of the skin tissue.


What all the applied substance may contain.

  • hyaluronic acid
  • Vitamins A, E, C, B, K and D
  • Amino acids – protein substances, building units restoring tissue structure damaged by the aging process
  • Coenzymes – Improve the biochemical responses of the tissues to which they are applied and promote the rate of recovery of tissues
  • Nucleic acids – stimulate the formation of significant skin proteins and activate intercellular communication
  • Minerals – Improve overall metabolism of tissues by stimulating cellular activities
  • Plated rich plasma (A-PRP) – increases collagen production, stimulates stem cells, improves elasticity and skin thickness, and triggers the development of new coils with a positive effect on blood

Issues to be treated by this methods

  • Strengthening, withdrawal and toning of the skin
  • Hydration and rejuvenation of the skin
  • Smoothing of small and medium deep wrinkles
  • Launching the natural skin rejuvenation process
  • Suitable for all skin types and the Dragon Therapy is suitable for people with sensitive allergic skin, as the substances applied to the skin come directly from the body being treated and are therefore 100% biocompatible
  • Solution of alopecia (hair loss) – improvement of microcirculation and cell metabolism, increase of local immunity of the scalp, active nourishment of hair follicles

Most common places of treatment.

  • Face
  • Neck, decollete
  • Back of the hands
  • Striae and scars
  • Scalp in case of hair loss

When treatment is not appropriate.

  • Hypersensitivity to the active substance
  • Any skin disease or abnormality
  • Active inflammation at the application area, active herpes simplex
  • History of autoimmune disease or ongoing immunotherapy

How treatment works

Treatments can be performed year-round. However, during sunbathing or increased sunlight activity, it is necessary to use creams with a higher protective factor. After cleansing the skin, micro-injections are injected into the skin with a mixture of the above-mentioned substances in the area of the face, neck or décolleté, which takes about 30 to 60 minutes. When applying an astringent cream, the time is needed to show an effect of at least 30 minutes. After treatment, rattles, small bruises, or smaller temporary puffs may occur.

For Mezoterapia / Mesolifte the recommended number of applications is 2 to 3 times, depending on the type of skin. The interval between applications should be 3 to 4 weeks. Treatment should be repeated after 6 months and then 1 treatment per year is enough. In the case of Hydrolifting, 1 treatment is recommended within 6 months, and 1 treatment at 1/2 year intervals is recommended in Dracula therapy. For significant loss of tonus and elasticity of the skin 2 to 3 treatments are appropriate at 2-week intervals and then once every half a year. In case of hair loss, 3-5 treatments are needed at approximately 2 week intervals. The results of Dracula therapy last up to one year (but it is individual).


Recommendations before and after treatment.


  • The client is thoroughly introduced to the procedure and possible side-effects
  • It is advisable to cleanse the skin from the make-up
  • The possibility of local anesthesia shortly before application in the form of a cream, which makes the feeling of pain minimized or none
  • Dracula therapy – blood collection followed by plasma separation and preparation for application


  • Minimal occurrence of small bruises and rattles, swelling or blushing, which can be overlapped with make-up (depending on the type of skin and individuality of the client) – make-up to be used at least 12 hours away from treatment – the soonest, symptoms usually take up to 12 to 48 hours
  • A few days after treatment, it is recommended to avoid sunlight and use creams with a high protective factor
  • 1 week after treatment it is recommended to avoid saunas, stay in cryochamber, freezing weather
  • Does not affect your social life and the ability to work

The duration of the effect ranges from 6 to 12 months, even longer depending on the location and the product used.